Our class styles

Whether you want to move dynamically, renew energy levels, find stillness, support better sleep, focus on your breathing or find relief from anxiety symptoms, we have a class style to suit you. 

Restorative Yoga

Restorative Yoga is sometimes referred to as ‘active relaxation’, in this style of yoga props are used to facilitate relaxation by supporting the body. In restorative yoga, we rest in each supported posture for an extended period of time (5-10 minutes). While the body is supported there is no need to ‘hold’ a posture, therefore opening the door more easily for us to completely let go and connect to our breath. The practice increases your well-being as the calming environment lifts your mood, contributing to stress relief. Nourish yourself with this deep, slow, quiet practice. Classes are self-contained sessions so you can literally just drop in anytime. No previous yoga knowledge is required, all levels and abilities are welcome. Participants require cushions/pillows/blankets and comfortable clothes.

Yoga Therapy for Anxiety

Yoga Therapy for Anxiety is a ​​therapeutic approach to yoga to treat how anxiety and stress manifest in the mind, body and breath. Classes focus on breathing techniques to soothe symptoms like racing thoughts and shallow breathing and mindful flowing movement to encourage a connection to the physical body. No previous yoga knowledge is required. All levels and abilities are welcome.

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga is a grounded, alignment-focused practice. In this class, postures are practised to align, strengthen and promote flexibility in the body. Breathing techniques and meditation are also integrated. You can expect an emphasis on simplicity and ease of movement. No previous yoga knowledge is required. All levels and abilities are welcome.

Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga is a slow, meditative practice. It targets the deep connective tissues like fascia, ligaments and tendons, around the skeletal body. The floor-based poses are typically held for several minutes, which allows you space to tune inwards, and time to explore the sensations of your body. At Mindwalk Yoga, we encourage props (support) for postures in these classes to make poses comfortable. No previous yoga knowledge is required. All levels and abilities are welcome.

Yoga Nidra

​​Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation also known as 'yogic sleep' or effortless relaxation. A chance to rest, restore, recharge or renew the body and mind. There is nothing you have to do. Merely be open to receive whatever is required in the moment. No previous yoga knowledge is required. All levels and abilities are welcome.

Immersive Sound Bath

A sound bath is a relaxation technique and meditative experience in which participants 'bathe' in the sound waves produced by instruments such as chimes, gongs, drums and singing bowls. The instruments used have unique sound signatures that elicit a variety of responses in the mind and body. You will be asked to lie down with your eyes closed, although sitting up also works if that's more comfortable and encouraged to breathe deeply whilst a soundscape is played. All you need to do is listen, relax and receive. Sound Therapy has been proven to help alleviate stress, anxiety as well as physical pain. Everyone is welcome.

Vinyasa Flow

Vinyasa is a style of yoga where poses are strung together to form one fluid sequence of movement. The classes are rhythmical, with a focus on connecting the movements with the rhythm of the breath. Vinyasa means to move with the breath, which is essentially the core of a Vinyasa class. Vinyasa Flow is a style of yoga with a focus on transitions and movements, with less time spent in stationary poses. No two classes are ever the same, and often the sequences are creative and playful, always to music. If you are completely new to yoga we don’t recommend this as your first class as the pace can be dynamic moving from posture to posture. Please book Yoga for Beginners or any of the other classes if you are completely new to yoga.

Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga is a mindful seated class. We spend so much of our time seated. So why not try a class that provides creativity on a chair, with the advantage of adding your own personal flair? Explore unique and subtle movements to suit the body you are in. The advantages are being able to adopt the experiences from the class and take them into any environment where you’re seated.

The Black Women’s Wellness Collective - Online Retreats

The Black Women’s Wellness Collective is a safe space for Black women and Black GNC people to explore healing practices in a nurturing community. The Collective was founded in January 2021 by Sound Practitioner Cherelle Sappleton, Yoga Teacher Karen James and Mindwalk Yoga Founder Zakiya Bishton. We host online retreats and share well-being resources with the collective. Get more info on upcoming retreats and sign up for the collective emailer here.