Discovering Ancient Egyptian Yoga

According to the book, Egyptian Yoga: The Philosophy of Enlightenment by Dr. Muata Ashby and Dr. Karen Ashby, Yoga in all its forms was practiced in Egypt apparently earlier than anywhere else in our history. 

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This is supported by documented scriptural and iconographical evidence of the disciplines of virtuous living, dietary purification, the study of the wisdom teachings and their practice in daily life, psychophysical and psycho-spiritual exercises, and meditation. This was being practiced in Ancient Egypt, long before the evidence of its existence is detected in India.

Sema or Smai is the Ancient Egyptian word and symbol meaning union of the higher and lower self which leads to spiritual enlightenment in a human being. 

Iā€™m currently working my way through this book, my journey of discovering Egyptian yoga has just begun. I can highly recommend it and also checking out the hashtag #Afkricanyoga on Instagram to find classes and resources to expand your Smai yoga knowledge.