How are you? If you’re feeling slower than usual, tired, finding it hard to get out of bed and generally out of sorts, then you are not alone! January is hibernation month. It really should be renamed this! Getting out of bed some mornings for me to teach has been tough! And napping has definitely become a regular hobby for me lately. During these shorter, colder days, my advice is to be extra kind to yourself, do whatever you need to do to keep going, comfort foods, soothing hot drinks, duvet days, and whatever mindful activities make you feel good.
It's during these winter months that I really lean into my yoga practice as my body can feel extra vulnerable and sensitive. I’ve made this seated practice for moments when you want to do a mini practice from your bed or sofa. The practice invites in sun energy to help lift your mood. It’s common for our anxiety levels to increase during the winter months, too, so little and often mindful practices can help you to feel settled. If you feel overwhelmed, please always reach out to a trusted person. Talking about how you feel can help you to feel connected and supported. I think one of the positive things to come out of the pandemic is that we are better at saying when we are not ok, so do just that if you need to. I’ve also gathered some mental health resources here for anyone wanting support.
So, I invite you to stay seated, take a slow breath and give yourself 7-minutes of you-time I filmed this on a sunny day so the light changes a lot - hopefully you feel the warmth coming through!